Thursday 26 September 2013

Risk Assessment

There are a lot of risks involved in shooting a music video and we will have to tackle these as the process goes on. The big risks will be the locations and also ensuring that our artists are always safe when we are filming.

The weather will be a big factor in the shooting of the video as we are planning on shooting in a light setting and so if the weather changes such as rain or fog then filming will need to be suspended. This would be a high risk as filming can be completely stopped and so this would have a big effect on us. We can prevent this happening by checking the weather forecasts for the days that we are filming and only film on sunny days, if the weather is sunny we need to ensure that everybody is hydrated.

Another risk is the camera and tripod and the risk is that the tripod could easily get knocked over and so can the camera. The camera could also run out of battery which would be nightmare for filming there also might not be enough space on the memory card. This would be a high risk as we need to ensure that somebody is watching the camera to ensure that it doesn't get knocked over as the camera would become damaged and we wouldn't be able to film. Also we need to bring a charger with us and also a spare memory card to ensure that we don't run out of space and we have a backup.

The artist would be a risk as well although a low risk as they could forget to turn up for the shoot and they also may turn up at the wrong location. We would ensure that this didn't happen by either sharing lifts with our artists or constantly reminding them of the location.
We also need to ensure that no slipping, tripping or falling takes place, this could be considered as a medium to high risk. As we will be filming some scenes outside the grass or pavement maybe damp or slippy so we will need to ensure that we can handle this by making sure that everyone is wearing the appropriate footwear and clothing. We also need to ensure that people take their time when they are preparing for a scene.

We must look after the equipment and ensure that nothing is broken as this could seriously effect us when shooting the video as we may also lose any previous footage that has been shot as a result of the camera being broken. This would be considered as a medium risk due to the fact that equipment can always be replaced. To ensure this didn't occur we could have somebody watching the equipment at most times as well as letting everybody know whereabouts all the equipment is. In the case of the memory card being broken we could upload our footage every 20 minutes onto a computer to ensure that it is not lost.

We are considering have a few shots of the artists in cars and so this could be a very high risk as there is the possibility that a crash could take place at any time. And so we would need a very confident driver who feels they would have the ability to be able to concentrate on the road as well as being filmed for the video.

To ensure everybody turns up for video we would have to ensure everyone is aware of the location and time that we are meeting. As if somebody forgets to turn up for the shoot then we are missing out on valuable time to shoot the video.

Clothes are also a vital part of the music video as we need to ensure that they are styled in the way that we want them to be, so they must remember to bring the correct clothes, if they don't then the whole shoot Will be ruined as there will be no point in filming as it wont suit the style that we want to achieve. So we will have to notify our artists before we film to ensure they are aware of what they need to bring.

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